Tuesday, September 4, 2012

White Gimp Mask / Dead Body Collection - "My Grandfather, The Hoarder" / "Rues Sanglantes" split cdr

White Gimp Mask - My Grandfather, The Hoarder is a straight-up slab of nicely executed HNW. Static, unchanging, slow moving, fully-blown. Deathmetal pedal set to kill. Amped-up agro-noise to the nth degree, counter-intuitively soothing harsh drone or beard-stroking fodder for the nuances-of-crackle fixated, it is, what it be.
Dead Body Collection - Rues Sanglantes turns up the heat with an even more blistering display of restraint. I'm thinking DBC lit up his rig and didn't so much as even touch it for the entire 20 minutes. In pure-HNW terms, this is much more a compliment than a complaint. For some reason, less is more. This insert says "No mastering!!" So you know it's as raw and pure as can be.
Slim-sleeve 2-track cdr, no frills keeps it simple; will likely check out more from these artists. They have like 500 releases between the two of them, so it's bound to happen.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for throwing this up.
    www.whitegimpmask.com hit me up sometime
